For this landscaping project at ovh in Erith we used GCL products for all of the plastic materials we needed. All of which is made from recycled plastics, is very strong and as we know about plastics – will last a long time. Which in this case is a fantastic property for a material to have, as the weed membrane, edging and grid panels will hopefully have a very long service life.
All the pathways are fully permeable, which is great for two reasons, firstly there is no stress about water run off and where to put the water. Secondly the water can be absorbed into the ground and percolate through to the water table as it should rather than running off a concrete plinth into a gutter, through the sewer system and subsequent treatment. Our sewage treatment systems are already over stretched and we should all be doing as much as we can to reduce our burden upon it.
In fact there are legal requirements for hardstanding areas in front gardens to be what is called Suds compliant meaning they should be permeable – for this very reason. This build up – terram, crushed recycled aggregate, grano, xgrid and then chosen gravel is a really effective way of achieving this and drastically reduces gravels tendancy to travel and rut etc. On top of that the xgrid panels are incredibly strong with load bearing properties of 428tonne per M2!